Bro Andrew Richard Daily Devotion - The Real Miracle

Daily Devotion - The Real Miracle


Begin your day right with Bro Andrews life-changing online daily devotional "The Real Miracle" read and Explore God's potential in you

I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.

Paul was thrown into prison for spreading the good news about Jesus. Battered and beaten, he sat there with his companion Silas and praised God. Yes, that’s right – he prayed and sang songs to God!

The melody in their music was disturbed by a violent earthquake that threw open the doors of the prison. Neither Paul nor Silas stepped out. However, the jailor thought they had escaped and was on the verge of killing himself. Paul’s holler from inside the prison reached the jailor just in time. From almost dying to being born again, the life of the jailor was changed that night!

But it wasn’t the unlocked prison door that changed Paul. His life was transformed when he met God on the way to Damascus. His agenda was to torture Christians and throw them in prison. But God changed his life (Acts 9: 1-22).

The Lord broke every gate of hatred and violence. He cut through bars of unforgiveness and set him free to experience the love of Christ. And what people saw after this experience was a renewed Paul!

Every bar that confined him to his worldly thoughts was shattered. Every gate that hid Paul from the love of Christ was transformed into avenue to share God’s love.

Truly it was the experience on the road to Damascus that was the real miracle. His experience with Silas in prison was just an offshoot of the real miracle. Today, let’s look for our real miracle – a miracle that will transform us completely.

Bro Andrew Richard